
Training Earth stewards

Why do we need GrowGreen?

Stewardship means the management or care of something” (

Humanity has compromised the ability of our land, rivers and oceans to support life, and we are wiping out the diversity that allows life to perpetuate over time, to recover in the face of disaster. All of this is being made worse by climate change. Climate change is natural, but it happens very slowly over eons so that life has a chance to adapt and change with it. Our actions have caused and are continuing to cause the climate to change too rapidly and extremely for most species to adapt to. We have also created a social system that has resulted in great poverty and places to live that are extremely bad for our health. There is social unrest, economic failure and ecological degradation. We created this situation so we can also change it if we want to – the choice is ours.

What is your choice?
Gondwana Alive choose a third option – one where humanity lives among the trees in harmony with each other and the rest of nature. To achieve this, each of us needs to become a steward with the understanding, skills and ability to heal and care for our planet in the way in which we live our lives and go about our business.
Wetland restored by Kommetjie Coastal Stewards
What is GrowGreen?
Gondwana Alive’s GrowGreen programme seeks to develop Earth stewards with the understanding, skills and ability to heal and care for our planet in the way in which we live our lives and go about our business.
Through mentorship and training we develop the capacity of individuals and organizations to practice Earth stewardship, with a focus on creating a grassroots network of mentors improving livelihoods, ecosystems and biodiversity.
Wetland restored by Kommetjie Coastal Stewards
GrowGreen Projects
GrowGreen includes a number of activities often aligned with our GreenPaths projects:

Sustainable livelihood mentor training – curriculum, process and workbook for building individual and institutional capacity to practice and promote Earth stewardship.
Groen Sebenza – 43 partners hosting, mentoring, training and employing 800 young graduates and matriculants in the biodiversity sector.
Natural Reserouce Management – developing the skills of gardeners, farm and municipal workers to garden, grow vegetables, build-monitor-maintain trail paths and remove invasive plants.
Biodiversity and Red Meat Cooperative Land & Livestock adaptation to climate change project.
Kommetjie Coastal Stewards – pilot mentorship project developing multi-skilled coastal community stewards.

“The earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship. We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by future generations.” ― Pope John Paul II (

Why did Gondwana Alive initiate the GrowGreen Programme?
To create jobs, develop skills and restore biodiversity and ecosystems.
How does Gondwana Alive support GrowGreen?
Through customized mentorship and training services, shortly to be facilitated through online and mobile channels.

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