One Planet! Help to Heal Her!
Some things don’t just bare repeating, they need repeating. Like the message and call to action in this re-posted, edited, blog. Let’s be part of the many people who are passionately doing something to heal the one, and only, planet we call home.
Environmental guides
“What can I do?” – is a wonderful question we often get asked.
There are many environmental guides these days that can help us to decide what to do – we got over 160 million hits when we did a search for environmental guides on Google!
It is all a bit bewildering but you could start by downloading the City of Cape Town’s Smart Living guide. And, it’s FREE. Tell others about it and perhaps form a group that tackles one or two of the very practical suggestions. There is also the Pick n Pay Foundation’s rather fun “One million acts of Green”..
At Gondwana Alive we think there are as many solutions in the world as there are people. So explore what interests you, and take what action you feel is most appropriate in your life. What is fundamentally important, is to take action. It really is amazing what happens when you just get started.
Check out what one amazing Senior Citizens club managed to achieve by taking initiative.
What do we do?
• We motivate individuals and groups through our Earth Alive work. Click here to check it out. Earth Alive spreads awareness and knowledge through its call for co-custodianship of our Planet.
• We train stewards who are comitted to helping heal, preserve, and sustain the planet. Find out more here.
• We support and promote the establishment and maintenance of outdoor trails and events. See here for more info.
• Support like-minded community projects
If you’d like to:
• Do a course to help you understand nature
• Get help developing a project idea
• Get support for your project
• Become a mentor and share what you have learned
Please contact us.
Or pop by and visit – we are located in Scarborough, South Africa on Cape Town’s scenic south peninsula at the Village Hub, Corner Watsonia & Main.
Share what you are learning
It is really wonderful to have so many environmental guides to help us, but we think it would be really useful to share what we are learning as we take action – what works, what doesn’t, why?
So please share your lessons with us and we will in turn share your message with others, so we can learn from each other and work together to help heal our Planet.
You can share your message by commenting on this blog or on our facebook page or send us an email (