Oct 18, 2018 | About Gondwana, Biodiversity, Dr John Anderson, Education and Awareness, Sustainable Development |
#ThoughtfulThursday #Sustainability #KeepGondwanaAlive Human beings as we know them today are the one species with the cognitive ability to prevent our own extinction. Why is it then that we are busy wiping out not only our own life support system but also that of the...
Oct 11, 2018 | Sustainable Development |
Sustainability is the Art of working with Wholes Ever hurt your foot and start limping only to have the rest of you start hurting? Its a good reminder that everything is connected, and that we need to work with the connectivity between things. We need to ask ourselves...
Oct 25, 2017 | Community Conservation, Education and Awareness, Sustainable Development |
By Dr Tracey Phillips Marentia Meisenheimer is a young single mother of 4 living in Leliefontein – a remote rural farming community in Namaqualand, South Africa. In December last year she started working as a local coordinator for the SGF climate change adaptation...
Oct 20, 2016 | Alternative Energy, Sustainable Development |
By Zanele Majebe So many people have no access to electricity Nearly one third of the 15 million households in South Africa have no access to electricity. Many of these vulnerable households are found where I live in Khayelitsha on the outskirts of Cape Town, South...
Jul 14, 2016 | GrowGreen, Sustainable Development |
by Zanele Majebe The increasing number of people around the world drives up demand for food. According to Food and Agriculture projections: by 2050 population and economic growth will result in a doubling demand for food globally. Food insecurity is one of the...
Sep 23, 2015 | Sustainable Development |
What’s not to love? By Sheree-Ann Jooste Its flower season on the West Coast! Flower watching is one of the most popular activities on the West Coast during spring. The flowers are breathtaking, blooming brightly after the winter’s rainfall. The best time to view...