Okay – so the environmental news on News24.com indicates that our natural environment is mightily stressed. Our water supply is polluted, mountains of waste are piling up all over the place, and there is so much pollen in the air we are thinking of injecting trees with hormones to try and stop our sneezing – phew! And that’s just the October news. The human population has apparently doubled in the last 4 decades and the highways are raising my blood pressure – so I’m heading for the wilderness, but apparently our wildlife has halved and what remains is balancing on thin ice, so I’d best get there quickly. Those windstorms on Mars make it doubtful we’ll be able to move to another planet anytime soon. So Greenpeace and supporters are probably more vital to our survival right now than we realize, but equally so are the scientists trying to understand what is going on and the environmental departments trying to manage what is happening. So lets’ inspire ourselves with plant-filled offices and do our bit – be it building a solar farm or following green guides (www.capetowngreenmap.co.za) to keep our footprints light.
To track the global environmental news easily visit us on facebook and follow the links to News24.com articles related to this Blog.
CEO, Gondwana Alive, Dr Tracey Phillips
5 Nov 2014