Greening. Don’t give up!
by Gary Simons
Good news! The planet is not done with us. Yet.
Bad news! There’s plenty of warning signs, and clear evidence that things are not hunky dory on this blue dot that is our only home environment. A quick scan through any of the environmental news sites, and printed media witnesses to this. For example, check out this Economist article here. The challenge is not to be overwhelmed with anxiety to the point of paralysis and the belief that it’s all too late anyway.
Good news! Yes! It exists, and it’s not fake news either. Such news should be a powerful encouragement for us to act locally with our green endeavours, while thinking globally. So this week’s blog highlights the impact that just one person can have. The following stood out for me while watching the story of “Forest Man”. (Check out the video below) Jadav Payeng, from India, started to plant trees in 1979. Since then he has planted a forest bigger than New York’s central park. In fact, his tenacity and vision has meant that wild animals like elephant and tigers have returned to ‘his’ forest. Here are three things, amongst many, that struck me about his implemented vision.
- Deep belief in a long-term strategy and vision for bio-diversity is vital if change is going to happen.
- It get’s done by doing, and doing consistently over a sustained period.
- There will always be those who don’t believe in what you’re doing, either as an individual or organization. There will be those who only see your good work as an opportunity to once again destroy bio-diversity and enrich themselves short-term. May Jadav Payeng’s life and story encourage you with what can actually be done, starting right now. And, may we all take some time to re-imagine Charles Bukowski’s poem in the context of our planetary life, and then take actions that really turn into good news for future generations.
The Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski
your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.