Sep 1, 2017 | International Days |
by Sheree-Ann Jooste Every change of seasons is symbolic in its own way, but spring, specifically the first day, is especially meaningful because it’s associated with rebirth, growth, and renewed optimism. Here are 6 things to do to simply because it’s Spring Day. ☺...
Mar 17, 2017 | International Days |
It’s St Patrick’s day. And, the weekend. What a good opportunity to site back, be contemplative of all things green and good for the planet. All this while sipping down on a favourite beer, or perhaps trying a new one from a local craft beer maker near...
Feb 27, 2017 | International Days |
by Sheree-Ann Jooste Today we celebrate World NGO Day (Non-Governmental Organisation) for all the NGO’s worldwide and the individuals behind them to celebrate their work and share their positive impact on society with others. This day is also an important annual...
Dec 14, 2016 | Education and Awareness, International Days, Uncategorized |
by Sheree-Ann Jooste It is nearly Christmas – a time for family, for gathering, for stories. Where did humanity as we know it come from? What were our experiences? Download the pdf for snippets of our past taken from … 1st-person Short Stories(click here) From...
Aug 19, 2016 | Extinction, International Days |
by Dr Tracey Phillips Without a healthy natural environment humanity cannot survive. In celebration of world Humanitarian Day, Gondwana Alive would like to honour Dr John Anderson for his tireless efforts to “Stem the Sixth Extinction” of life on Earth. ...
Aug 5, 2016 | International Days |
by Sheree-Ann Jooste Today we celebrate international Beer day and I’m glad to know that there are surprising health benefits of drinking beer and not only intoxication and gaining unnecessary weight. So, go ahead and drink that beer because it might just be doing you...